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Offering short-term rental accommodation has become a popular means for property owners to earn additional income, particularly as online rental platforms have exploded in popularity.
Most of us have an intuitive understanding of what internal controls are, even if we don’t label them as such, because we regularly perform a variety of actions to protect ourselves and others from adverse events.
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BC Check-Up: Live
The 2024 BC Check-Up: Live explores housing affordability amid surging population growth.
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January/February 2025
Cover story: Will sustainability reporting improve sustainability performance? Our cover story looks at variables that play an important role in this context and outlines a system designed to help organizations bring about real change.
Plus: The BC CFE writers who excelled in 2024; a primer on internal control considerations; GST/HST traps on the road out of the short-term rental market; top tips for choosing accounting software and apps; a chat with an expert in entertainment, and more!