Meet the BC CFE writers who excelled in May and September 2024
CPABC congratulates the 846 BC and Yukon candidates who successfully wrote the Common Final Exam (CFE) in May and September 2024 and commends the following BC writers for making the National Honour Roll: Daniella Diamond Abramowich, Alyssa Andres, Christopher Armstrong, Ivan Chau, Jo-Elle Craig, Emily Margaret Peters, Sophie Temirov, David Tran, and Mitchell Turko. We also congratulate Emily Margaret Peters for earning a CPA Canada Gold Medal after achieving the highest standing in Western Canada on the May 2024 writing. Here’s what the candidates had to say about the CFE experience.
Emily Margaret Peters, Regional Gold Medallist - May
Employer: Oak Bay Marine Group (Victoria)
Job title: Intermediate Accountant
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? During Capstone 2, I had to go see a physiotherapist because I’d been sitting at my desk so much that I had pulled a muscle—a studying injury! It’s funny looking back on the situation, but at the time, I needed to heal quickly so I could sit for the three days of the CFE. Telling my friends and my physiotherapist how I sustained the injury was very memorable.
Tell us about a breakthrough or “aha” moment during your studies. Once I accepted that the study process would be a roller-coaster of emotions, successes, and setbacks, I was able to view the setbacks as learning opportunities. This mindset was helpful when trying not to spiral during the study process!
Any hobbies that helped you manage stress during your studies? Running with my amazing run club and taking cold ocean dips with my friends kept me going during my studies. Both the exercise and the community were so necessary and appreciated.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? I feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful support system. My partner Andrew supported me in many ways, even if it just meant giving me space when I had a five-hour case to write. My close friends and my running community kept me grounded and were so understanding when I had to say no to things. My parents hosted me for a week during my final study push. My co-workers were also very supportive, especially my mentor, Lucas Gilmour, CPA, who listened to my concerns and questions and gave me valuable advice.
Daniella Diamond Abramowich
Employer: KPMG LLP (Vancouver)
Job title: Senior Accountant
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? The most unforgettable part was walking out of the convention centre on day three with my study group and seeing our KPMG cheering squad, as well as hundreds of other accounting professionals. It was really memorable to see everyone celebrating this important milestone.
Tell us about a source of inspiration during your studies. I drew inspiration from the previous two cohorts at KPMG who had written the CFE before me. Celebrating their success and experiencing the excitement of results day (and the anticipation on the night before results) left an impression on me at the very beginning of my CPA journey, and it motivated me to stay focused throughout the summer.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? I would first like to thank my parents and family for supporting me throughout my education and career journey, including my studies over the summer. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family who inspires me to always try my best.
To my CFE mentor, Neave Badanai, CPA: Thank you for your encouragement and guidance throughout the summer, as well as your willingness to share your CFE knowledge and experience. The moral support you provided made a huge difference to me. I would also like to thank my study group, Lucy and Tori. Studying with you made the CFE experience so much more fun and motivating.
Lastly, thank you to KPMG—I really appreciated the resources that were available to us and the meaningful encouragement from partners and managers.
Alyssa Andres
Employer: Loewen Kruse Chartered Professional Accountants (Langley)
Job title: Associate Accountant
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? I’ll remember the memories made while living with my family in Quesnel during my study leave, the experience of persevering through a wrist injury, and the two and a half months of apprehension spent wondering if I’d passed the CFE. There was also the extreme surprise of receiving a phone call from my employer saying that I had not only passed but made the honour roll!
Tell us about a breakthrough or ‘aha’ moment during your studies. Partway through the summer, I realized that learning all the information that could potentially come up on the CFE was impossible, and that using critical thinking, sticking to the time limit, and attempting every assessment opportunity (AO) would give me a higher chance of success. Going forward, I spent most of my time on case writing rather than technical review—this included planning my time for each AO and physically writing down the start and end times.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? First, I’d like to thank my family—especially my mom and dad—for providing constant encouragement, always believing in me, and reminding me that there is so much more to life than exams.
I’m also grateful to the partners and my colleagues at Loewen Kruse CPAs, who provided case-writing tips and CFE support and cheered me on.
Finally, I want to thank God, who was with me each step of the way and has given me strength, hope, and peace that I could never find anywhere else.
Christopher Armstrong
Employer: British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (Victoria)
Job title: Analyst, Investment Accounting Branch
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? Ironically, I will remember the sense of defeat I felt after writing day two. If someone had told me then that I would make the honour roll, I would have said there was no way. This experience has taught me that if you put in the work, nothing is impossible.
What’s one thing you wish you’d known when you started CPA PEP? That everybody’s CPA PEP experience is different. You can get advice from people that have been through it, but ultimately, the experience will be uniquely your own. Whether it’s your learning style, the demands of your job, how much time you take off work, or how you balance studying with your personal life, everybody’s path will be different. There is no one right way to get through the program, but all paths will require hard work.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? First and foremost, I’d like to thank my parents, Brad (a CPA, CMA) and Christine Armstrong, for all their support and encouragement—not only during my CFE studies but over the last 30 years.
I would also like to thank my friend and fellow writer, Reanna Larson, who went through CPA PEP at the same time as me. Whether it was sharing study tips or commiserating over exams, the entire experience is easier when you have someone going through it with you.
Finally, I’d like to thank my boss, Donna Mueller, CPA, CMA, as well as my work team members who helped cover for me while I was studying.
Ivan Chau
Employer: Deloitte LLP (Vancouver)
Job title: Senior Accountant
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? I felt an unforgettable wave of relief when I walked out of the exam hall after an intense four hours of writing on the final day. And it became even more memorable when—in a sea of people—I caught a glimpse of my co-workers waiting outside for me. I will never forget their cheers, hugs, and encouraging words.
Was there a time during your studies when you accomplished something you previously thought was impossible? My previous exam writing experience was limited to two-hour university exams. When I first learned that the CFE spanned three days, each of which was four or five hours long, I was beyond overwhelmed. However, as my studying progressed and I practised writing cases in exam-like conditions, I discovered that I was fully capable of staying focused throughout. Often, I even wished I had more time to work on my case!
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? First and foremost, I’d like to express my thanks to my family—especially my mom—for their support. From cooking meals when I was engulfed in practice cases to helping me run errands when my face was buried in my eBook, they ensured that I could focus entirely on my studies. I couldn’t have done it without them.
I’d also like to thank my CFE mentor, Natalie Yu, CPA, for setting me up for success throughout my journey. And thanks go to Jonathan Lee and Ingrid Mo, as well—their emotional support and encouragement really helped me get through the summer.
Jo-Elle Craig
Employer: Doane Grant Thornton LLP (Kelowna)
Job title: Accountant
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? The disbelief I felt when I finished writing on day three was overwhelming. The second I finished my last case was just so surreal.
Tell us about a breakthrough or ‘aha’ moment during your studies. It happened about two or three weeks prior to the CFE—I started to write that week’s day three case, and I wasn’t very confident about any of the topics. The entire time I was writing, I was frustrated with myself, but I followed my plan, stuck to my time allocations, and just wrote all I could. The “aha” moment came when I was debriefing and realized I’d actually done a lot better than I’d thought. That was when it clicked that I didn’t need to know every technical detail to succeed.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? Firstly, I want to thank my CFE coach Jen Crookes, CPA, for helping me stay grounded and manage my stress leading up to the CFE. I am so incredibly grateful for her unwavering support.
Secondly, I want to thank my CFE study buddy, Lauren Finkel, for everything—from writing every case as if it was the real thing to debriefing daily and talking through CFE topics. I couldn’t have gotten through this process without you! I also want to thank my CPA mentor, Zach Perehudoff, CPA. He was one of my greatest supporters throughout my PEP and CFE studies, and I really appreciate all of his guidance.
Lastly, I want to thank my family and friends who made it possible for me to get to where I am today.
Sophie Temirov
Employer: TELUS (Vancouver)
Job title: Financial Analyst II
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? I’ll never forget all the support I received from my family, friends, and colleagues during my CFE experience!
Tell us about a breakthrough or “aha” moment during your studies. A big breakthrough for me was developing a strong case-writing strategy by debriefing my outlines and time allocations. Planning wasn’t something I focused on in the other CPA PEP modules, but seeing the benefits that a strong outline had on my case writing across all three days was a lightbulb moment.
Any hobbies that helped you manage stress during your studies? During my studies, I took up journaling to track what I did each day and how I was feeling. If I saw a trend of being stressed over a few days, I knew it was time to take a longer break. The day before the CFE, I read over my journal entries to reassure myself that I’d put in all the work needed to be ready for the exam.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? I’d like to thank my TELUS family who supported me throughout this journey. Special thanks goes to my mentor, Matt Murray, FCPA, FCMA, as well as Tyler Friend, CPA; Colleyna Jhong, CPA; Amy Bonner, CPA, CA; Jill Miller-Barone, CPA, CA; Blake Wuhr; and all my other team members. I’m so grateful for their encouragement, belief, and advice. I’d also like to thank my family and friends, who made sure I took breaks, got me out of the house, and celebrated my successes every step of the way. I don’t know what I’d do without them.
David Tran
Employer: Rockwell Automation (Toronto)
Job title: Manager of FP&A
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? One thing that I will remember from my CFE experience happened on the first day of the exam. I had assumed that, since the exam was entirely electronic, I wouldn’t need any pencils. However, I soon discovered that a pencil was required to fill in my identification details on the exam sheet. Fortunately, the person sitting next to me was incredibly prepared—they had brought along 10 pencils, just in case nine of them failed!
Tell us about a breakthrough or “aha” moment during your studies. A significant breakthrough in my studies occurred when I started delving into the enabling competencies book. It helped clarify various concepts I had been grappling with, and suddenly, everything seemed to fall into place.
Any hobbies that helped you manage stress during your studies? Maintaining a consistent exercise routine played a crucial role in managing stress during my studies. Keeping up with regular physical activity not only helped me stay healthy but also provided me with the mental clarity and discipline needed to tackle the rigorous demands of the CPA program.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my manager and director, both of whom are CPAs, for their unwavering support throughout my journey. Their guidance, advice, and encouragement were invaluable as I navigated through the complexities of the CPA program.
Mitchell Turko
Employer: Hazelwood (Nanaimo)
Job title: Accountant
What will you remember most about your CFE experience? One moment that stands out is when my laptop froze during the exam—it felt like the longest 45 minutes of my life! But in all seriousness, the sense of relief I felt upon finishing the final day was extraordinary. I could tell that everyone who completed the CFE that day felt immense pride in their accomplishment.
Tell us about a breakthrough or “aha” moment during your studies. I wouldn’t say I had a specific breakthrough moment during my studies. Instead, I developed strong habits over the weeks I spent preparing for the CFE. After I failed my first practice exam—which, to be quite honest, terrified me—I focused on improving my test-writing skills by practising under test conditions, addressing each assessment opportunity, and reviewing feedback on every case.
Any hobbies that helped you manage stress during your studies? I struggled with studying alone all day, so I made a point of socializing with family and friends during my free time. I also stayed active by playing sports and going to the gym, which helped me recharge.
Who would you like to thank for providing support during your studies? I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to my family, friends, and colleagues for their unwavering support throughout this journey. Above all, my parents’ encouragement has been instrumental in reaching this milestone, and I’m grateful for their guidance and love. Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the accounting program faculty at Vancouver Island University. The exceptional professors do an outstanding job preparing students for CPA PEP, and their dedication is greatly appreciated.
Photos of Daniella Diamond Abramowich, Alyssa Andres, Ivan Chau, Sophie Temirov, and David Tran by Kent Kallberg Studios. Photo of Christopher Armstrong by Brit Kwasney Photo. Photo of Jo-Elle Craig by Robert Conchie, Wax Pencil Imagery. Photo of Emily Margaret Peters by Jesse Hlady Studios. Photo of Mitchell Turko by HA Photography.
This article was originally published in the January/February 2025 issue of CPABC in Focus.