CPABC Financial Literacy Webinar: Disability - Accessing your benefits CPABC Event

CPABC Financial Literacy Webinar: Disability - Accessing your benefits
Help spread the word to your family, friends and community to attend this free live webinar.
This webinar is designed for adults, individuals, and caregivers who qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. This session is not intended for CPAs and does not qualify for CPD.
Disability - Accessing your benefits
In this webinar, participants will learn about the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and Registered Disability Savings Plan and how to access them. Attend this free virtual CPABC Financial Literacy Session on Disability: Accessing your benefits, to determine the eligibility criteria and requirements needed.
Visit Financial Literacy - Disability Accessing Your Benefits for more details about this session.
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm–1:00 pm (PST)
Format: online via Zoom
Cost: Free
Session Presenter: Stefanie Ricchio CPA, CGA
Stefanie is a published Author, Professor and Entrepreneur focused on providing business consulting that supports the modernization of accounting for businesses through implementing tools, resources, and training programs to support change management and increasing efficiency. Stefanie is an advocate for education from elementary through post-secondary, working on initiatives to elevate the learning experience and to advocate for the needs of all students.
To learn about CPABC’s financial literacy sessions, visit If you have questions, please contact Tierra Pawluk at or at 604-484-7006.