Reporting Tips & FAQs

Quick overview and general questions

Quick overview
The CPA program in BC requires the following components: education (CFE), experience (PER completion) and professional development (PD). Once a candidate has successfully completed each component they are eligible to apply for membership.

PER completion requirements (also known as “exit level requirements”) are outlined below:

Duration and mentorship

  • Duration: A candidate must report a minimum 30 months (or longer with excess leave and/or penalties) of relevant practical experience in the online reporting tool (PERT). There are two routes available to report duration: the Pre-approved Program Route (PPR) or the Experience Verification Route (EVR). Each candidate will have a unique PER Start Date and all experience gained from the PER Start Date forward is considered “Current Experience”. Any experience gained before the PER Start Date is considered “Prior Experience” and is subject to certain restrictions. For more information on duration, refer to the CPA Practical Experience Requirements.
  • Mentorship: A candidate must be working and must have an approved mentor linked to their profile in order to begin reporting practical experience in PERT. For information on the mentorship component of the CPA practical experience requirements, refer to CPA Canada’s Mentorship Program webpage.

Enabling and Technical Competencies

  • Enabling Competencies: A candidate must achieve target proficiency level (level 2) for all Enabling Competencies. A candidate is expected to report a response at each proficiency level (level 0, level 1, and level 2) for each Enabling Competency over the course of the reported duration.
  • Technical Competencies: A candidate must achieve enough proficiency (level 1 and level 2) in order to meet Core, Depth, and Breadth. A candidate is required to have a knowledge in either Financial Reporting or Management Accounting (Core), a focus in one particular Technical Competency (Depth), and proficiency across a range of Technical Competencies (Breadth).
  • For more information on the Enabling Competencies and Technical Competencies refer to CPA Canada’s Competency Requirements webpage.

Reporting and assessments

  • Reporting: Experience Reports are used to log a candidate’s progression and proficiency in the Enabling Competencies and Technical Competencies. Mentor Meetings are used to log the mentor’s feedback on the candidate’s progressive competency development over time. Experience Reports are created by a candidate, verified, discussed with a mentor and reviewed by CPABC.
  • Assessments: A candidate must request a CPA Review in order for CPABC to review the Experience Reports and Mentor Meetings in PERT. Based on profession-assessed proficiency levels, CPABC will determine if the candidate has met all requirements for PER completion. For more information on reporting and assessments, refer to the CPA Practical Experience Reporting Requirements factsheet.

General Questions

Q: I’ve been unable to log into my PERT account despite entering my correct email address and/or password. How can I resolve this?
A: You may be accessing PERT through the incorrect browser.
BC candidates must access PERT via the My CPA portal.
If you still encounter difficulties logging in, please send an email to with a screenshot of the error message on your log-in page including the page’s URL.

Q: I am new to reporting in PERT. How far can I go back to recognize my experience?
A: The first step is to have your PER Start Date established on your PERT profile. If your experience route is “Experience Verification” you will need to submit a pre-assessment request for your current position. The pre-assessment will be processed by CPABC. If your experience route is “Pre-Approved Program Route” you will need to add a mentor, choose a specific type of pre-approved program, and create a blank experience report with your start date. The enrollment in the pre-approved program will be confirmed by the Program Manager at your organization.

Any work experience you gained prior to your PER Start Date will be reported as “Prior Experience”. Up to a maximum of 12 months may be granted based upon the CPA Review.
The experience you have gained from your PER Start Date to present will be reported as “Current Experience”.

From your PER Start Date onwards, you are required to:

  • Create/update your Current Experience report and have a Mentor Meeting semi-annually (two mandatory Mentor Meetings per 12 months of reported Current Experience).
  • Request Assessment on your Next CPA Review Date, or if there are changes to your current employment status.

Q: Do I need to be employed full time or can I meet the 30-month requirement doing part-time work?
A: For the purposes of calculating the full 30-month duration, a full-time work week is 35 hours or more on a regular basis.  A part-time work week that is below 35 hours will be calculated on a pro-rated basis.

Q: I have been waiting for my assessment results for more than 3 months. When will I hear back?
A: Please check your assessment request status in PERT. If your request shows as “assessment requested” or “required” then it has been received and is in progress. If not, then you have not submitted a CPA Review request to CPABC.

To submit a CPA Review request, please follow the instructions in the User Guide-Quick Reference located on the left hand navigation bar of your PERT profile.

Q: I have just received my completed assessment and the reviewer made comments about areas that I need to update for my next submission. Can I resubmit the experience report?
A: Yes, you have the option to create a new report or copy your reviewed report and update your responses. If you are still in this role, you can enter the start date as the day after the end date of your last reviewed experience report and the end date as the current date. Alternatively, if you are no longer in this role, you can use the same start date and end date as the previously reviewed experience report. 

For any competency sub-area that has a different proficiency level recognized than what you have claimed, the reviewers typically include feedback in the reviewer comments area. Please update your responses in the new report to incorporate this feedback from the review team. Once the report is verified by your supervisor, you may also request a Mentor Meeting.

Please also read the reviewers’ assessment comments in the CPA Reviews tab, which may include important reminders about additional information that is required before submitting your next assessment request.  

If you have changed roles, you will need to re-report all experience from this role before reporting your current role.

If you are planning to join a pre-approved program, you will need to finalize all reporting before enrollment otherwise all Current Experience reports will be linked to the pre-approved program.

Q: How do I change my status from "pending enrollment" to "in progress"?
A: Once you have created your PERT profile and created a Current Experience report there is no further action required until your Program Manager confirms employment in the pre-approved program. By creating your PERT profile and indicating a pre-approved program, an automatically generated email has been sent to the Program Manager to log into PERT and complete the employment confirmation process. Once the Program Manager confirms your employment, you would be notified by a system-generated email from For details, please refer to: PERT Guide for Future CPAs.

Q: My status is “pending enrollment” and my Program Manager cannot confirm my employment. What do we need to do?
A: CPABC does not enroll CPA students/candidates in pre-approved programs. You must work with your Program Manager to confirm your enrollment in a pre-approved program. Please ensure you have completed the following steps in PERT:

  1. Select the experience route as Pre-Approved Program Route.
  2. Identify the name of the specific pre-approved program you intend to complete.
  3. Link an approved mentor to your profile using their corporate email address.
  4. Create a new experience report with your start date in the pre-approved program (this should not be your employment start date if you were employed prior to joining the pre-approved program).

Once you create the report, your Program Manager will be able to confirm your employment. The Program Manager will provide instructions if the information you provided in PERT is not accurate.

Q: I have already achieved my self-assessed proficiency level in a competency area. Do I have to report in that competency area again?
A: If you have additional experience examples to report for the reporting period, please document these in your next experience report. Doing so can provide additional support for your overall progression towards exit requirements. As well, the reviewer may sometimes grant proficiency in a competency sub-area but expect stronger responses in your next experience report. This is usually indicated in the reviewer notes section (i.e. “level was generously granted”). Read the reviewer notes section carefully and ensure that you accurately interpret the reviewer’s feedback.

Q: I will be reporting under EVR, but I am not sure if my role will qualify for PER completion.
A: You may find it helpful to use the self-assessment tool in determining where your organization can offer you the necessary experience to meet your target proficiency levels. You can then plan a timeline/map of the different duties that can be assigned to you to meet these targets. Access the self-assessment tool.  

Please review each of the technical competency sub-area requirements by selecting the white question mark to the right of each competency sub-area (beside the “Select” drop-down box).  All details of the requirements needed to demonstrate each proficiency level can be found here as well as industry and public practice examples. When you have gone through each competency sub-area and mapped out where you believe your exit level proficiencies should be, you can select “Assess” at the bottom of the page. Doing so will allow you to see if what you have selected will allow you to meet the PER exit requirements of core, depth and breadth. Together with your mentor and supervisor, you can then use this as a framework to develop a training/experience program that will allow you to meet those exit level requirements.

Q: I have 30 months of duration reported in PERT. Am I finished?
A: Duration is only one of the PER completion requirements. A candidate must also demonstrate proficiency in Enabling Competencies and Technical Competencies (core, depth, breadth).

Duration may extend beyond the minimum 30 months as a result of the following:

Excess leave

Leave taken which exceeds 20 weeks will automatically increase the required duration beyond the minimum 30 months. For example, 24 weeks of leave will extend the required duration to 31 months.

Missed mentor meeting penalty

A candidate is expected to have two completed Mentor Meetings for every 12 months of reported Current Experience. Prior Experience is exempt from the penalty. A penalty can be incurred as part of a CPA Review. If incurred, the penalty will increase the required duration by one additional month for every missed Mentor Meeting. For example, a candidate with 30 months of Current Experience would be expected to have five completed Mentor Meetings in PERT. Mentor Meetings are the candidate’s responsibility to request and to follow-up on until completed. A candidate is expected to track their compliance in PERT to avoid the penalty.

Changes in experience (role, job, and/or employer)

A candidate with any type of change in their experience will likely require additional duration in order to demonstrate enough progression and proficiency to meet the requirements for PER completion.
Proficiency in Enabling and Technical Competencies determined by the profession

  • Target proficiency: Target proficiency levels are set out as future goals for a candidate.
  • Self-assessed proficiency: A candidate estimates the progress towards target proficiency.
  • Profession-assessed proficiency: The profession determines a reasonable proficiency level based on the evidence in PERT and the experience route selected by the candidate:
    • EVR: Profession-assessed proficiency is determined based on duration, diversity of experience and quality of reporting.
    • PPR: Profession-assessed proficiency is determined based on duration, chargeable hours (if required) and approval from the Program Leader.

***Note that reviewers reserve the right to review all experience reports, including "Reviewed" experience reports, and re-assess the profession-assessed proficiency levels from the perspective of a completion assessment.



PER Start Date

Q. What is the PER Start Date and why is it so important?
A: The PER Start Date is unique for every CPA student/candidate. Experience earned before this date must be reported as Prior Experience and often requires a separate CPA Review. Note that candidates can earn up to 12 months of duration for Prior Experience, provided that certain criteria are met. Experience earned after this date must be reported as Current Experience and is subject to the Missed Mentor Meeting Penalty.

Q: How is my PER Start Date calculated?
A: The PER Start Date is calculated based on the later of your job start date or your CPA registration date, and whether you identified your CPA mentor in your PERT profile within 90 days. For a candidate who creates a PERT profile under EVR, the PER Start Date will be calculated by CPABC as part of a pre-assessment. For a candidate who creates a PERT profile under PPR, the PER Start Date will be automatically calculated when the enrollment in the pre-approved program is confirmed by the Program Manager. The Reporting Status will change to “in progress” and the candidate will be able to begin reporting Current Experience.

Mentor Meeting

Q: I can’t request a Mentor Meeting. I have one reviewed report. What should I do?
A:  In order to request a Mentor Meeting, you will have to have at least one experience report showing a report status of “Verified” in PERT. The reviewed report cannot be edited so you will need to create a new report in PERT. The report status “Reviewed” means that the report has been assessed by CPABC as part of a CPA Review.

You need to create a new Current Experience report and submit it to your supervisor for verification. After your report is “Verified”, you can request a Mentor Meeting.

Q: I have a reviewed report. How do I switch it to verified status so I can request a Mentor Meeting?
A: Please be advised that a reviewed report cannot be edited. You will have to create a new report and have it verified by your supervisor before you can request a Mentor Meeting.

Q: How many Mentor Meetings do I need to have to avoid penalty?
A: To avoid penalty for missed Mentor Meetings, you are required to meet with your mentor semi-annually (two completed Mentor Meetings for every 12 months of reported Current Experience) and the mentor’s comments must be documented in PERT.

Q: Am I going to be penalized for missed Mentor Meetings?
A: Upon request of a CPA Review, the assessors will review the mentor’s comments together with your experience reports and determine a penalty, if applicable. If a penalty is incurred, your required duration could increase by one additional month for every missed Mentor Meeting.

Q: My mentor can’t enter the comments from our mentor meeting in PERT. How can this be resolved?
A: Your mentor can document evidence of your meetings with them only after you have requested a Mentor Meeting in PERT. Please ensure the status “Requested” shows in the Mentor Meeting tab. You are responsible for initiating your mentor meetings by requesting a Mentor Meeting and for following-up with your mentor until a Mentor Meeting shows as “completed” in PERT.

The role of a CPA Mentor is to guide future CPAs in their Enabling Competency development and help ensure their self-assessment (in both enabling and technical) is reasonable.

Upon request of a Mentor Meeting, your mentor can log in and see your request. 

Please review the CPA Mentor User Guide document for further details.

Experience Verification Route (EVR)

General Information

Reporting under EVR allows candidates to report a variety of roles. This can be challenging reporting path, as it requires a candidate to demonstrate technical proficiency to the profession.

  • Duration: Duration may reach the minimum 30 months, however a candidate may not meet the other requirements for PER completion. A candidate must provide good quality reporting to support their self-assessed proficiency levels in Enabling Competencies and Technical Competencies.  A candidate is expected to request a CPA Review at 12 months and then as often as required by the profession to gain feedback on their reporting.
  • Target proficiency: Under EVR there is no fixed competency map or pre-set target proficiency. A candidate must determine the relevant Technical Competencies for their role and set their own target proficiency levels to allow them to meet core, depth, and breadth for PER completion. A candidate should work with their supervisor and mentor to set their target proficiency levels and develop a work plan that will allow them to achieve these targets.
  • Reporting and assessments: A candidate is expected to create regular experience reports (approximately every six months) and request regular Mentor Meetings (semi-annually). For every EV report, a candidate must provide detailed examples to demonstrate proficiency in both Enabling Competencies and Technical Competencies and a supervisor must verify the accuracy of the reporting.

A candidate reporting under EVR will need to regularly request a CPA Review from CPABC in order to track their progress towards PER completion. It is not uncommon for a candidate reporting under EVR to take longer than the minimum 30 months to demonstrate proficiency for PER completion.

Profession-assessed proficiency levels are based on the quality of reporting, duration in the role, and the diversity of experience reported in PERT. Each CPA Review is an opportunity for a candidate to gain feedback and improve their reporting. A candidate should be aware that it may take more than one CPA Review to demonstrate enough proficiency to meet PER completion.

Public practice
A candidate reporting under EVR in public practice should be aware that preparing bookkeeping, Notice-to-Readers (NTRs), and tax returns will not allow them to meet the Technical Competencies (core, depth, breadth) for PER completion. A candidate should look at other advisory or finance-related work offered by the firm that may qualify.

Alternatively, a candidate may also complement their compilation work with work on audits or reviews to achieve higher level proficiency in Financial Reporting.  A signed chargeable-hours-form should be attached to each experience report to support a candidate’s proficiency level claims in the Financial Reporting, and Audit and Assurance competency areas.

Q. I am new to EVR reporting. What are some helpful hints?
A: EVR reporting requires you to demonstrate your proficiency to the profession.

Basic features of EVR reporting

  • Customizable: EVR reports can be adapted to a variety of positions.
  • Self-directed: Detailed examples are required to demonstrate proficiency. The best way is to follow the CPA Way to showcase what you did, why you did it, how you did it, and your critical thinking skills. You can learn more about CPA Way in your Enabling Learning eBook from D2L.
  • Verification required: Your supervisor must verify your EVR report before you can request a Mentor Meeting.
  • Assessment required: Regular CPA Reviews provide an opportunity for the profession to evaluate the experience reported to date.
  • PER completion: A candidate’s readiness for PER completion is based on accumulated evidence documented in PERT (Experience Reports, Mentor Meetings) and is determined based on CPA Reviews.

Helpful hints

  • Select only the relevant Technical Competencies for your role to focus your reporting.
  • Set target proficiency levels (level 1 or level 2) for each Technical Competency sub-area that you identify as relevant (refer to the white question mark in PERT).
  • Address all components for each level (watch out for the “and” or “plus” in white question mark) in order to demonstrate proficiency.
  • Choose reasonable self-assessed proficiency levels based on the duration reported in the role (i.e. target could be level 2 but with only six months reported, perhaps a self-assessed level at level 0/1 would be more reasonable).
  • Strengthen your reporting by incorporating reviewer’s feedback.

Q: I am unable to enter information in the Technical and Enabling competencies area. How can this be resolved?
A: Please be advised that you cannot edit a reviewed report. In order to be able to enter information in the Technical and Enabling competency areas, you must create a new report.



Pre-Approved Program Route (PPR)

  • Program roster: CPABC gives the Program Leader authority to offer a specific type of pre-approved program to a limited number of candidates in a certain office location (known as a program roster). A candidate can only enroll in a pre-approved program with permission from the employer. Enrollment is controlled by the Program Manager on behalf of the Program Leader. A candidate can only be removed from the program roster by CPABC. A candidate must request a CPA Review in PERT. The Program Leader must approve the request in order for the CPA Review to be processed by CPABC.
  • Joining a pre-approved program: Once a candidate is enrolled in a pre-approved program, every new Current Experience report will be linked to the pre-approved program. A candidate with Current Experience is encouraged to finalize their reporting before enrolling in a pre-approved program. A candidate who joins a pre-approved program is expected to continue reporting until the pre-approved program is complete.
  • Experience earned outside of a pre-approved program: Any practical experience earned outside of a pre-approved program must be reported under Experience Verification (EV). This includes Prior Experience, experience gained prior to the pre-approved program approval date, or experience gained outside of the pre-approved program if the program roster is at capacity.
  • Target proficiency: Target proficiency levels are pre-set for the relevant Technical Competencies based on a fixed competency map and designed to meet core, depth, and breadth for PER completion. Target proficiency is based on duration (minimum 30 months in the same pre-approved program) and Program Leader approval. In public practice, a candidate must also meet the minimum chargeable hour threshold for their specific type of pre-approved program.
  • Reporting and assessments: A candidate is expected to create regular experience reports (approximately every six months) and request regular Mentor Meetings (semi-annually) until PER completion. A candidate is expected to report in the pre-approved program until PER completion. If a candidate departs from the pre-approved program prematurely, the pre-approved program is incomplete and the proficiency level will be capped below target proficiency.
  • Combination of experience: A candidate with experience earned outside of the pre-approved program (reported under experience verification or as part of a different pre-approved program) should be aware that this experience may not necessarily align with the progressive competency development mandated within the pre-approved program. A candidate with a combination of experience is encouraged to complete the full pre-approved program in order to meet the PER completion requirements (duration, enabling, core, depth, and breadth).

Q: Does Prior Experience count? My understanding is that up to 12 months of Prior Experience can count towards the minimum 30 months experience.
A: If a candidate joins a pre-approved program with Prior Experience, then we recommend them to complete the pre-approved program in full (minimum 30 months) in order to achieve target proficiency.

Q: If I leave the pre-approved program, what happens next?
A: If a candidate departs from a pre-approved program prematurely (prior to meeting the required duration and requisite chargeable hours), the technical proficiency levels will be capped as part of a CPA Review. This will prevent the candidate from achieving target proficiency and the exit level requirements (core, breadth, and depth) will not be met. The candidate will be required to continue reporting practical experience in PERT.

Q: Does a combination of experience affect PER completion? My understanding is that I can mix and match EVR and PPR.
 Candidates who join a pre-approved program with experience earned outside of that particular program will have a combination of experience. When a candidate earns experience outside of a pre-approved program, this experience will not necessarily align with the progressive competency development mandated within the pre-approved program. Therefore, the candidate will likely require more than the minimum 30 months duration to reach PER completion.

Each pre-approved program has a unique set of target proficiency levels. Target proficiency levels are designed to allow a candidate to meet the Technical Competencies for PER completion (core, breadth, and depth). Candidates are expected to report duration (minimum 30 months) in the same pre-approved program in order to achieve target proficiency. We encourage candidates who join a pre-approved program to commit to completing the full program (minimum 30 months duration reported in the same pre-approved program) in order to achieve target proficiency. In public practice, a candidate must also meet the minimum chargeable hour threshold for their specific type of pre-approved program.

For details, please refer to: PERT Guide for Future CPAs.

Change of job

Q: I changed my job. What is the process of having my new experience reported? What are my next steps?
: If you change your experience route, role, or employer, you must close off the reporting within 90 days of this change. Please perform the following steps in PERT as soon as possible:

  1. Report all experience in this role (Prior Experience and Current Experience).
  2. Submit each report to your supervisor for verification. All experience reports must be “verified” before you request a CPA Review.
  3. Request a Mentor Meeting. All Mentor Meetings must be “cancelled” or “completed” before you request a CPA Review.
  4. Request a CPA Review in PERT within 90 days of the last date of employment.

Please refer to section 3.1.5 Employment changes on page 32 of the CPA Practical Experience Requirements.
After this has been completed, you can submit a pre-assessment for your new position.

Q: What is the difference between “Prior Experience” and “Current Experience”?
A: Practical experience is divided into “Prior Experience” and “Current Experience” by the PER Start Date. Up to a maximum of 12 months of Prior Experience may be recognized by the profession. Please note that a candidate is only expected to report Current Experience for one role at a time. If a candidate changes roles they must request a CPA Review of experience reported to date.

Q: What are the requirements for reporting Current Experience?
A:   From your PER Start Date onwards you are required to:

  • Create regular experience reports in PERT (Prior Experience or Current Experience). Each experience report must be at least three months in duration. We recommend that experience reports be approximately six months in duration. Leave days taken must be reported in each report period. We recommend logging your experience regularly with multiple experience reports in PERT to allow you to track your progress towards PER completion.
  • Each experience report must be “verified”. Your supervisor is responsible for verifying the accuracy of your reporting. Click submit to send a “new” report to your supervisor for verification. PERT will send the report link to your supervisor by email.
  • Request Mentor Meetings on a semi-annual basis. Click request to send a request to your mentor. PERT will create an action item for your mentor to complete in PERT. Encourage your mentor to provide feedback in the “comments” section of the Mentor Meeting as these will be reviewed by CPABC.
  • Continue reporting and meeting with your mentor. Ensure your compliance with the requirement (two “completed” Mentor Meetings for every 12 months of reported Current Experience). If you are not compliant, you are at risk of incurring the Missed Mentor Meeting Penalty (one additional month of required duration for every missed Mentor Meeting). Prior Experience is exempt from the Missed Mentor Meeting Penalty.
  • Request a CPA Review as directed in PERT. Refer to the “Next CPA Review Date”. Or, request a CPA Review sooner if there are changes to your current employment status.

Q: I’m switching from Experience Verification Route (EVR) to Pre-approved Program Route (PPR). How do I do this and what impact will this switch have on my accumulated experience hours?
A: If you change your experience route, role, or employer, you must complete an experience report for your previous position, have it verified by your supervisor, complete a Mentor Meeting, and submit the report to CPABC for assessment within 90 days.

Please refer to section 3.1.5 Employment Changes on page 32 of the CPA Practical Experience Requirements.
After this is done, you can update your PERT profile to list your new pre-approved position and assigned mentor. The assessment results will determine your next steps for reporting.

The pre-approved program is intended to provide an opportunity for candidates to develop proficiency over the minimum 30 months duration in order to reach target proficiency for PER completion. Switching from EVR to PPR would require more than the minimum 30 months duration to reach PER completion.

Q: Is it possible (or advisable) for me to switch from Experience Verification Route (EVR) reporting to the Pre-approved Program Route (PPR), as my employer recently qualified as a pre-approved employer?
A: The pre-approved program is intended to provide an opportunity for candidates to develop proficiency over the minimum 30 months duration in order to reach target proficiency for PER completion. It is most suited for new candidates so existing candidates would be considered on a case by case basis.

PERC International

General information

This section is for internationally designated accountants interested in obtaining a Canadian CPA designation.

Q: I am an internationally designated accountant. What is the process to obtaining Canadian CPA designation?
A: If you are an internationally designated accountant, we will assess your academic and professional credentials quickly and fairly, and provide you with a clear pathway to obtaining your Canadian CPA credential. We offer streamlined bridging programs to help you meet any additional qualifications efficiently, as well as alternate career paths that can provide an interim step to Canadian employment or help you meet shorter-term career goals.

Q: I currently reside outside Canada. Where do I send my information for assessment?
A: Please contact the CPA Western School of Business (CPAWSB) at to initiate the assessment process.

Q: What kind of documents do I send for assessment?
A: In general, you will need to submit the following:

  • A letter of good standing from the accounting body that you are a member of
  • Third party assessment, if you have a university degree
  • Detailed resume
  • Employer listing

Please contact CPAWSB at for this matter. CPAWSB will provide you with the standard forms as well as further information regarding the documents required from you.

Q: How soon can I expect to hear back after submitting the required documents?
A: Your document package will be sent to the applicable regional committee for review. Regional committees meet every two months.  You will receive a letter from CPAWSB thereafter with your results.

Q: What if I am not satisfied with the committee’s decision and would like to request reassessment?
A: Reassessment will only be granted if you are able to provide new information that was not included in your previous assessment. You can contact CPAWSB at to request reassessment.


