MET Recap Community

The Member Engagement Tour (MET) wrapped up with a visit to the CPABC Victoria/Southern Vancouver Island Chapter, which hosted the event at The Union Club in Victoria on January 16, 2020.
Approximately 200 CPAs were in attendance to learn about the latest labour market research for accountants, connect with the other CPA and celebrate member milestones.
At the event to deliver the MET presentation were CPABC president and CEO Lori Mathison, FCPA, FCGA, and CPABC board chair Ben Sander, FCPA, FCA. Mathison and Sander provided an update on the CPABC and BC government study examining the labour market and changing market expectations and the skills needed to succeed now and in the future. They also discussed the impact of technology on the accounting profession and the progress being made on the CPA Canada Foresight project.
Another highlight was the recognition of members who were celebrated for attaining important member milestones. Among them were Doug Davis, CPA, CA, Lawrence Fox, CPA, CA, J. Trevor Jones, CPA, CGA, Robert Parker, FCPA, FCA, Robert Wilband, CPA, CA, and Peter Yearwood, CPA, CGA, all of whom marked 50 years of membership. Also in attendance were Sardul Gill, CPA, CA, and John Gordon, CPA, CA, both of whom marked 60 years of membership. Congratulations to all of the chapter members who reached career milestones in 2019!
Year 50 & 60 Members. (L to R) Lori MAthison FCPA, FCGA, Sardul Gill CPPA CGA, Geoff Dodds CPA, CA , Lawrence Fox CPA, CA, Robert Wilband CPA, CGA, Ben Sander FCPA, FCA & Robert Parker FCPA, FCA. Photo by: CPABC