Professional Networking Event Recap – Fall Student Social Event Recap

The CPABC Richmond/South Delta Chapter hosted a Fall Student Social on November 24, 2021 and over 25 CPA candidates, students and members attended.
The event began with a 20-minute presentation by speakers from CPABC and CPAWSB on best study habits, tips for progressing through the modules, and an introduction to PER.
After the presentations, students joined Zoom breakout rooms, hosted by CPABC mentors and CPABC and CPAWSB advisors, to network, ask questions, form study groups, and potentially find a CPA mentor.
The highlight of the event was the announcement of newly formed mentor/mentee matches. Congratulations to the future CPAs and mentors who started their mentoring relationships.
Check out the chapter websites for future events and watch for chapter emails.
Stay connected and be #CPAproud.