Mr. Dennis R. Bontron - March 14, 2016
Discipline Summary
March 14, 2016
The Chartered Professional Accountants of BC Act was proclaimed on June 24, 2015. Under section 81 of the Act, discipline cases where the panel has been struck but the hearing had not concluded prior to proclamation may conclude under the legacy process. Therefore, this decision is issued by the CGA-BC Discipline Committee.
The Association lodged a complaint that alleged Mr. Dennis R. Bontron did not comply with a previous Discipline Order dated September 29, 2014. Mr. Bontron was required to pay a fine, complete a four-hour ethics course, and to improve his conduct by complying with CPD requirements and with the CGA-Canada Public Practice Entrance and Continuance Standard (Continuance Standard), which he failed to do.
The Association lodged a second complaint that alleged Mr. Bontron did not report the required number of CPD hours for the Reporting Period 2012-2014, which included a shortfall of 50 verifiable hours. In addition, Mr. Bontron did not report a four-hour business ethics course as required in the same reporting period.
These matters were referred to the Discipline Committee for a panel hearing to consider Rules R302, R601 and R604(c) of the CGA-BC legacy Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Professional Conduct in effect from September 20, 2014.
On January 21, 2016, the Discipline Committee Panel found Mr. Bontron was in breach of CGA-BC’s Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct in effect from September 20, 2014 as follows:
Rules R302 – Professional Development, R601 – Compliance, R604(c) – Admittance to Membership because:
- He failed to comply with the Discipline Order dated September 29, 2014.
- He did not obtain the mandated continuing professional development hours for the 2012 – 2014 reporting period.
- He failed to adhere to the terms and conditions of membership, specifically those that relate to adhering to the spirit and letter of the law, regulations and CGA-BC’s Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Professional Conduct.
Discipline Order
- Suspended from membership for a period of nine months;
- Assessed a fine of $7,500.00;
- Assessed costs of the hearing of $3,428.80;
- Required to improve his conduct by completing the four-hour ethics course prior to the end of the nine-month suspension noted above; and
- Required to improve conduct, in addition to the requirement above, by obtaining a minimum of 50 verifiable hours and three (3) non-verifiable hours before the end of his nine-month suspension period.
- failure to comply with the elements of this order within the times specified, an expulsion from membership will occur.
Consequential Order
As the Discipline Committee Order was not complied with, Mr. Bontron is expelled from membership effective March 14, 2016.