Happy 5th Anniversary CPABC! News
Happy 5th Anniversary CPABC!
A message from your Chapter Co-Vice-Chair, Rosanna Yusuf, CPA, CMA.
Five years ago, I began my journey volunteering with the CPABC Vancouver Chapter on the Professional Development Committee. The team built a strong foundation that paved the way for the delivery of many successful professional development seminars. The content has consistently been up-to-date and valuable to our members.
Having the opportunity to watch all of the chapter committees grow and plan events to engage members on a consistent basis makes me proud to be part of this team. When I reflect over the past five years, the first thought that comes to mind is how lucky I am to have been part of it all, especially from the beginning.
Thank you to all of our volunteers and members and congratulations on turning 5 CPABC! Let’s continue to accomplish great things.
A message from your Chapter Vice-Chair, Stacey Lee CPA, CA, CIA, CISA
Congratulations CPABC on turning 5!
Over the past five years, I’ve witnessed tremendous growth from the Vancouver Chapter. I would like to thank all of our hard-working and passionate volunteers for their dedication and contributions.
Prior to becoming Chapter Vice-Chair, I was primarily involved with the Outreach Committee. Having experienced these two positions, I had the joy of seeing CPAs from various industries come together for the common goal of reaching out and helping our community.
Our chapter has volunteered in many ways from gardening, food/clothing drives, and sandwich making to tax clinics! I would say that my biggest highlight as a volunteer has been seeing more familiar faces at our events and eventually seeing these same members join and share the same passion within our various chapter committees.
Thank you, our members, students and candidates, for your ongoing support to the chapter! CPABC and our chapter can’t wait to see us grow even more over the next 5 years!