Surrey/Langley/North Delta Chapter “Launch” Summer Social Event Recap
Published Date: Jul 20, 2023

Photo credit: SrdjanPav/E+/Getty Images
On June 28, over thirty CPAs and their guests attended a fun social at Dominion Kitchen in the heart of downtown Surrey.
The staff of Dominion Kitchen were kind enough to section off a portion of the restaurant for the attendees, welcoming everyone with an exciting selection of canapés and drinks. Members and their guests were able to mingle with comfort as they enjoyed their evening. A surprise draw was held which led to some of the attendees winning CPABC swag!
Throughout the event, feedback was taken from members on the type of events they would like their Chapter to host in the future.
The Surrey/Langley/North Delta Chapter thanks everyone who was able to attend and looks forward to inviting members and students to upcoming events!