Burnaby/New Westminster Chapter Career Panelist Event Event Recap
On Thursday, October 12th, 2023, the Burnaby/New Westminster Chapter hosted a Career Panelist Event at Douglas College, giving attendees insights into CPA careers in four sectors (Public Practice, Industry, Not-for-Profit Organization and Government).
The event began with a Senior Student Recruitment Officer from CPABC giving a presentation on the CPA program. After the presentation, there was a networking session that included food and drinks. The event then continued with four CPA panelists who gave insights into their careers and what it was like to work in their particular sector. Time was allotted for the attendees to ask questions. At the end, a door prize draw was taken and a few lucky attendees received some fantastic CPA swag!
Our chapter would like to thank everyone for coming out. We would also like to give a big thank you to Douglas College for providing us with the venue.
Stay tuned for more of our Chapter events in the near future!