CPAEF Funds SFU Research on Board Characteristics and a Firm’s Strategy
Feb 6, 2020
Photo credit: Dr. Johnny Jermias, accounting professor at SFU | Beedie School of Business. Photo by Johnny Jermias.
The proposal was submitted by Dr. Johnny Jermias, PhD CPA CMA, a professor of accounting in the SFU|Beedie School of Business. Dr. Jermias’ research is expected to contributed to the literature on corporate governance by providing empirical evidence for the importance of a firm’s chosen strategy. And, the research will provide practical value by helping to identify and select board characteristics that match a chosen strategy.
The research will be undertaken from the summer 2020 through to winter 2021 and is expected to have useful application in both undergraduate and graduate programs related to the topics of corporate governance, board of directors, competitive strategy and firm performance.